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Tomohisa Yamashita


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i just said the truth. Pls listen, just listen. Yes! Good-bye^^
2019-04-14 09:39:49
I just respect Trump. A great leader of the world. A great person also. THANKS and Goodbye(*_*)
2019-04-14 09:43:19
2019-04-14 13:19:38
2019-04-14 13:21:07
私の言いたいことすべて言えた‼️理由がわかった。That's the reason。You can understand now。。。
2019-04-14 13:25:24
I hope you can think and find the truth. Think more and deeply...
2019-04-14 13:32:27
Thank you my love see you soon. Good-bye^^(-.-)Zzz・・・・
2019-04-14 13:35:17
ずっと隣で歌ってドラマをしてきた韓国、上手く言えないけど、私の気持ちを受けとり、読んでくださって感激です。Thank you for your love and pls know how much I
2019-04-14 17:40:17
how much i love Korea. Goodbye(._.)
2019-04-14 17:41:30
I am watching Peter Rabbit. I feel as if I meet so many friends it's so wonderful. I like the animal
2019-04-14 20:49:35
The animals so lovely. So cute and soft. And naughty.
2019-04-14 20:51:42
Also in Japan a drama about the animals I like so much. A wonderful night. Love and piece. ( ^-^)ノ∠※
2019-04-14 20:53:54
Love and peace.( ^-^)ノ∠※。.:*:・'°☆
2019-04-14 20:54:28
2019-04-14 21:23:55
2019-04-14 21:27:22
おやすみなさい✨Happy end (^_^;)
2019-04-15 01:02:59
2019-04-16 23:07:43
I have dream on USA, I have friends in Japan. Thank for both of you holding me till now. I was such
2019-04-17 06:59:34
person I feel proud of me. That was a long long way, now we are at the final distance. Wish all my l
2019-04-17 06:59:53
love could be a dream inside the TV. Still I am a dreamer. Good-bye^^
2019-04-17 07:00:20
2019-04-17 09:57:43
2019-04-17 09:59:14
2019-04-17 09:59:56
では、お騒がせしました。ありがとうございました。さようなら( ;∀;)
2019-04-17 10:00:53
It is an honor for me to be so closely to my distant dream CNN and BBC. I have also experienced myse
2019-04-17 17:28:05
I have also experienced myself as a Western girl and woman in China. Thank you for your trust and pl
2019-04-17 17:28:42
play with such me( maybe from very begining )till now. I know its not easy but you are so kind. Good
2019-04-17 17:29:05
Good-bye^^ God bless America.
2019-04-17 17:30:10
Why?! I am android. We are android Japan. Love you forever^^
2019-04-22 10:28:15
2022-08-22 17:20:30
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